"Renata Franca" treatments

Masseuse à domicile, je me déplace dans le bassin d’Arcachon pour vous proposer les massages Renata França.
Ces soins ne cessent de faire parler d’eux, on les surnomme même les “massages miraculeux », mais savez-vous pourquoi ?
Connaissez-vous les spécificités de la méthode Renata França ?

Renata Franca massages

Renata's method has revolutionized the approach of lymphatic drainage. Where the lymphatic massages were exclusively soft and light, with a “caress” touch (very little or no pressure for a surface treatment), she offers treatments that mix the use of pumping at the level of the lymph nodes - an ancestral approach to drain the lymph - and modeling massage techniques with tonic and firm pressure.

This technique changes everything! It does not just help in the circulation of the lymph: it also reduces oedemas, activates blood circulation and stimulates blood circulation. This stimulates the immune system, promotes tissue oxygenation and the elimination of waste from the body: which adds a slimming touch!

Slimming and anti-cellulite treatments, without pain

Reconnue dans le monde, la méthode de massage de Renata França est un gage de qualité.
C’est pourquoi je me suis formée à ses trois soins principaux et les pratique à domicile dans le bassin d’Arcachon :

Lymphatic Drainage

used in health or aesthetics, this treatment is recommended for an immediate "lightness" effect. Indeed, it helps to fight against the engorgement of water and lymph in the tissues. Say goodbye to heavy legs, swollen stomach, ... And discover a deflated body, re-shaped with a revived metabolism! Feeling of well-being guaranteed!

The Miracle Face

This facial massage helps deflate dark circles and swollen areas of the face. It redraws the contour of the face, improves the quality of the skin and gives an immediate healthy glow effect! Small bonus: your skin is lifted!

The Shaping Massage

Le soin remodelant est LE soin pour redessiner votre silhouette. Grâce à des mouvements vigoureux, rapides et fermes, je viens déplacer la graisse pour remodeler manuellement votre corps.

Each of these treatments is made so that the massage is a moment of well-being, no pain should be felt! Far from the palpation-rolling, we work gently.
The recurrence of these treatments is the key to maintaining and maximizing their results!

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