Shaping treatment

Dans la famille des soins Renata França, je demande le Massage Remodelage !
Ce soin remodelant dure environ une heure et se réalise à l’huile (d’amande douce). Grâce à une technique de massage manuelle, qui se pratique sur tout le corps avec des mouvements fermes, vigoureux et rapides – mais toujours doux pour éviter les douleurs- il tient sa promesse : des résultats incroyables qui sont visibles dès la première séance.

Shaping Renata Franca, a sculpting and anti-cellulite massage

The shaping treatment developed by Renata Franca has been talked about since its development. Indeed, it makes it possible to model the adipocytes: we move the fat to put it in the right place and thus reshape the silhouette of the body. The results are visible instantly. But as with everything, it is the constant practice that allows you to have an anti-cellulite and sculpting effect in the long term!

The effects of the shaping massage can last a few days, if you combine them with a healthy lifestyle (no alcohol consumption, physical activity). This is why, for lasting results, it is preferable to carry out a shaping cure: one treatment per week for a minimum of five weeks and maintenance sessions to be set up from time to time to keep all the benefits!

Lymphatic Drainage or Shaping, what to choose?

Lymphatic drainage or Shaping, you wonder what differentiates them? I will help you see more clearly!

Body shaping is a treatment that can be practiced in addition to lymphatic drainage. This reshaping massage Renata Franca allows a reshaping of the body without surgery and without pain, it guarantees a more harmonious silhouette. Unlike lymphatic massage, it works in depth on the blood system, its goal is to redraw the silhouette, to target dimples to smooth the skin and reduce cellulite, and not to lose mass. While lymphatic drainage has a slimming effect due to its detoxifying action.

If you are less than 4 months pregnant, lymphatic drainage will be a more suitable treatment for you, because I will not come to massage the area of your abdomen.

A Home Shaping

Masseuse diplômée Renata França, j’exerce mes soins à domicile, dans le bassin d'Arcachon.
Ainsi, je me rends chez vous avec ma table de massage et mon flacon d’huile pour vous proposer un massage remodelant à domicile.
Tenté ? Contactez-moi pour prendre rendez-vous !