Rituals Home

“Through my work, I want to make people's hearts smile”

— Florence, coach en brathwork et ice bath, masseuse bien-être, sophrologue et professeur de yoga sur le bassin d’arcachon.

Rituals Home by Flo
a wellness treatment brand imagined by Florence

If I were asked for a Chinese portrait, I could give the words "well-being", "sensitivity" and "trust". Each of them represents me but they are not the only ones.

Well-being is my way of life, my profession. The basis of what makes me up, because my wish is to sow well-being around me.

Sensitivity is mine, the one that allows me to guide my students with gentleness and empathy. Pain is not part of my practice, in yoga as in my profession as a masseuse, the goal of my approach is to do yourself good, to free yourself from tensions and toxins; not to leave you injured. This is why I work accurately and diligently on each energy treatment, massage, yoga class or sophrology session, so that it is a unique and positive experience.

Confidence from the universe that listens to me every day, but also the trust in you that I help you to (re)find. Self-confidence and self-love are an important part of my work and my therapeutic approach.

Plural, but also complete!

I exercise with my heart and I have never been reluctant to give everything to achieve my dream: when well-being became obvious to me, I left everything to throw myself 100%, and, without regret, I left my old job, left my country and said “see you soon” to my relatives, to get started. 

Yogini, I found in the practice of yoga a balance that I lacked until then. That's why I chose to teach asanas: it's a good way to work on your confidence, to become aware of your body, your movements and to take care of yourself. And well-being masseuse who feels the tensions at her fingertips and works to release them. 

Sophrologist, I help you calm your mind and become aware of it. Often the body reacts to the calls of the mind: those that we do not want to hear. So I work with you on your blockages, conscious or not, to free yourself.

Vous vous demandez comment peut-on être à la fois masseuse, sophrologue, professeur de yoga, coach en brathwork et ice bath ?

It's easy, I made the choice to offer full support to my students to have a comprehensive approach to the physical and mental. I take care of the body and calm the mind, a combination that I think is essential in a world like ours. 

It is with this idea that I created Rituals Home : a wellness brand with a holistic approach!

Do you need a wellness masseuse for you or your company but you don't know what to choose?
I advise you on
the massage you need! !