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Do everything with the Heart!

Every yoga class I teach, every massage I practice, every sophrology session I do, I do it for the sole purpose of making your heart smile. Because when the heart smiles, the body is much lighter!

Work on your self-confidence







Ice bath

“Through my work, I want to make people's hearts smile”



Vous venez d’arriver dans le bassin d’Arcachon et vous vous demandez quel massage choisir.

So don't move, you've come to the right place!

Do you know the Renata Franca treatments?
Depuis peu, la fameuse technique de massages lymphatiques de Renata França s’est exportée dans le bassin d’Arcachon !
It is an approach used in health as in aesthetics for shaping and anti-cellulite treatments that will drain the lymph and redraw the body or the face. An efficiency that is no longer to be proven!

Mieux qu’un massage classique, dans le bassin d’Arcachon vous pouvez trouver un soin énergétique à domicile.
It is a complete well-being approach that promises you lasting relaxation: no need to go home afterwards, you can prolong this cocooning feeling by staying at home, resting and enjoying the lasting benefits of your treatment.

Thai oil massages are an invitation to relax, they are relaxing, invigorating and are practiced with fluid movements and deep pressure on the energy lines of the body.

Une migraine se profile ?
Opt for a head massage!
Des tensions au niveau de votre dos ?
Don't let the pain happen and treat yourself with a back massage.
Envie d’une sensation de détente express après une dure journée de travail dans le bassin d’Arcachon ?
Découvrez le massage de la tête, de la nuque et des épaules qui va déliez toutes les tensions que vous avez accumulées.

And for total relaxation, opt for the Cranial massage and foot massage well-being package!

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to
be yourself


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