Energy massage
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An energy massage is an enveloping and comforting treatment that works on the energy circuits, but it is also deep and intense. This massage aims to rebalance, cleanse and regenerate the chakras to allow vital energy to circulate as it should.
Energy massage
This energy treatment is a preventive treatment, during this massage where you enjoy the moment of relaxation, I use techniques from reiki and magnetism to put your chakras back in place, which eliminates energy blockages and harmonizes your body and mind!
What are the benefits of an energy massage?
An energetic massage is a modeling treatment, it relieves pain and relaxes the body but also works in depth on the subtle bodies.
This energy treatment also allows you to reconnect with your physical body, by finding the right balance, you feel like you are in your body again. It is therefore highly recommended during difficult times, when we tend to cut our body off from its feelings to protect itself.
How to practice an energy massage?
Travaillant comme masseuse à domicile dans le bassin d’Arcachon, je pratique les massages énergétiques et de nombreux massages bien-être.
Pour ce soin, je commence par me rendre chez vous, accompagnée de ma table de massage et de ma fidèle huile de coco.
I let my intuition guide me to find your areas of blockages and your tensions, physical and psychological, in order to release them. This allows you to relax, to bring you a real feeling of well-being, to rebalance your energies and to evacuate the stress that you have accumulated.
Be careful though, it is an intense massage, I do not recommend it if you have heart problems because it could cause palpitations.
If you are pregnant, in early pregnancy or if you are going through a high-risk pregnancy, this is also not the massage for you. I will not perform this treatment either if you have a fever, it would not be beneficial for you, it will be better to wait until your temperature has dropped.
This massage at home is not the one for you ?
Contact me to find the treatment you need !